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The right way to monitor air quality is with a separate sensor

The TruSens SensorPod being shown in three different style rooms around a home.

Most purifiers don't know

the air quality in the room.

TruSens does, and reacts. 

The average air purifier doesn’t provide feedback or measure air quality to ensure that cleaner air is being adequately delivered throughout the room. This may leave you wondering if it’s really working.

With a remote SensorPod air quality monitor, there’s no more guessing. Placed across the room, SensorPod communicates back to the TruSens purifier so it can automatically adjust its fan speed. This way, you can be certain the entire room is benefiting from cleaner air.

Easy Setup

"Plug and play" right out of the box! SensorPod has been factory paired with the purifier.


Icon of a brain.

informs you

TruSens displays air quality levels of your room, so you know that your purifier is working and your air is clean.

Piggy bank icon.

Energy Efficient 

SensorPod ensures that the purifier is running at optimal levels. This can extend filter life and reduce unnecessary power consumption.







Maximising cleaner air coverage

Remote sensing is the best way to accurately measure dust, allergens, and common pollutants in your room. SensorPod measures air quality and continuously transmits that data. The purifier displays the air quality readings and adapts output levels accordingly.


TruSens standard SensorPod on a counter with the TruSens Air Purifier on the other side of the room.

SensorPod, brilliant in every way

For best results, place SensorPod across the room from the purifier. This ensures the air quality in the room is also measured away from the purifier. Measurements are communicated back to the purifier, which then responds to the pollutants in your room.
Z-2000 Z-3000
Animation showing the connection between the TruSens SensorPod and Air Purifier across the room.

Better Together


The air quality in your home changes constantly.  Whether your HVAC system is kicking on, the dog is coming back into the house after a long walk, or you built an awesome pillow fort using those dusty couch cushions, TruSens has you covered!