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*Operating 12 hours per day, under typical operating conditions.
† Results from independent third-party testing using HCoV-229E, a human coronavirus with similar shape and size to COVID-19, which was aerosolized over a two-hour period in a sealed chamber. HCoV-229E is a well-established surrogate for COVID-19.
Recommended for spaces up to 1,750 sq ft at 2 air changes per hour (ACH).‡ AHAM certified smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) value of 485 cfm.
Price: $1,699.00
Recommended for spaces up to 2,000 sq ft at 2 air changes per hour (ACH).‡ AHAM certified smoke Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) value of 519 cfm.
Price: $1,999.00
‡ AHAM uses 4.84 air changes per hour, so AHAM values are slightly different.