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Indoor Air May Be Dirtier Than You Think

  • May 16, 2022
  • Written by: TruSens

Woman working on a laptop in her office.

Is your workplace addressing cleaner air?

Whether your workplace is back in the office, still working from home or operating a flexible model—providing a safe and hygienic space for your employees has never been more important.

There are many pollutants that may negatively impact the air quality indoors, even in places we perceive as typically ‘clean’ like an office environment. The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) has said it is generally recognised that Australians spend 90% or more of their time indoors. They also acknowledge the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s report stating that indoor air quality may be as much as two to five times worse than outdoor air.

What causes indoor air pollution in the workplace?

Changing conditions such as doors opening, foot traffic, new carpet, new furniture or seasonal allergens entering the workspace may all impact the air quality levels, meaning the quality of the indoor air is in constant flux. Adding an air purifier with a HEPA filter to a room can help you monitor the air quality and may help eliminate harmful pollutants commonly found in enclosed spaces, positively affecting the air that surrounds you and your employees every day. In addition to viruses like COVID-19, air purifiers are engineered to remove airborne allergens and pollutants so you can rest easy knowing you are taking steps to help make your indoor air safer at work.

So, how does a quality air purifier help?

TruSens Air Purifiers come equipped with UV-C light. This feature helps kill bacteria and viruses trapped in the air filter without generating harmful levels of ozone and the negative implications this could have on your health. 

TruSens Air Purifiers have multiple levels of filtration including a HEPA filter and carbon layer. Carbon filters remove certain gases and odours, creating an environment that is more pleasant to your nose.The HEPA filters included in all TruSens Air Purifiers are designed to trap fine particulate matter.

TruSens have taken a scientific approach to air purification with the inclusion of the SensorPod air quality monitor in the TruSens Air Purifier models Z-2000 and Z-3000. Testing shows that air quality measurements taken away from an air purifier provide a better representation of the overall air quality in a room.

The SensorPod can be placed in a space where you would like to measure the air quality, detecting pollutants away from the air purifier. The result is an air purifier that informs you with detailed air quality readings and adapts more effectively to the changing air quality conditions in the room.

It also doesn’t hurt that the TruSens Air Purifiers are sleek and stylish, slotting in seamlessly to your office environment!

TruSens Air Purifier in a minimal space.

To learn more about how you can tackle indoor air quality at work, head here: TruSens Business